Continuous Integration of Applications to CloudHub 2.0 with Bitbucket

Continuous Integration of Applications to CloudHub 2.0 with Bitbucket


  • Bitbucket

  • Anypoint Platform (Exchange Contributor, Runtime Access)

Mule API Project Structure:

Before you Deploy Mule Application to Cloudhub 2.0

Update Pom xml file with Distribution Management

    <name>Exchange Private Repository</name>

Update Pom Xml with repositories

            <name>Anypoint Exchange</name>
            <name>MuleSoft Releases Repository</name>
            <name>Anypoint Exchange V3</name>

For groupId please refer How to know my Organization ID (Org ID) on the Anypoint Platform

To deploy a Mule application to CloudHub 2.0, the application must first be published to Anypoint Exchange and then deployed.

To publish the application to Anypoint Exchange, create a file named settings.xml within it.

<?xml version="1.0"?>



            <name>Corporate Repository</name>
            <name>Corporate Repository</name>



This repository will serve as an example. The code for your Mule application should be stored here.

After your code is uploaded to Bitbucket, create a new YAML file containing the pipeline's actual code.

image: maven:3.8.4-openjdk-8

        - step:
            name: Git Security Scan
                - maven
                - pipe: atlassian/git-secrets-scan:0.5.1  
        - step:
            name: Validate & Compile
                - maven 
                - mvn -B clean -DskipTests package
            name: Publish to Exchange
                - maven 
                - mvn deploy -s settings.xml
        - step:
            name: Deploy to dev cloudhub
            deployment: Sandbox
                - maven
                - mvn deploy -s settings.xml -DmuleDeploy -Denvironment=Sandbox -DtargetName=Cloudhub-US-East-2 -DmuleVersion=4.6.2 -Dworkers=1 -DworkerType=MICRO -DCLOUDHUB_CLIENT_ID=$CLOUDHUB_CLIENT_ID -DCLOUDHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=$CLOUDHUB_CLIENT_SECRET -DappName=mule-cloudhub2-deploy14

Create Deployment enveironment:

create a environment in bitbucket Named as per the deployment environment added in the Deploy to dev cloudhub step.

Update Repository Variables:

For connected app credentials refer Connected App functionality

update connected app secrets in repository settings as below

In the above bibucket yaml is written to run manually, In Pipelines select branch and step to run the pipeline as below.

once the pipeline is triggered application will be published to Anypoint Exchange and deployed.

Application deployed to Cloudhub 2.0.